Accidents and Incidents Investigations
The aim of this course is to train participants and provide them with a practical approach to investigating workplace accidents. They are taught how to find root causes, conduct an investigation, create reports, and make effective recommendations to control risk and prevent similar occurrences from happening.
The course includes case studies and other examples to illustrate the concepts, as well as practical tools, such as sample forms and checklists. At the end of the course, there will be a quiz; as this will help to measure and encourage learning.
This course will be rounded off with a practical exercise.
Who Should Register for this Course?
Committee members, managers, supervisors, and workers who may be involved in accident investigation, facility managers, human resources managers, senior managers, and others tasked with the responsibility of conducting an investigation or implementing changes resulting from an investigation.
Course Content
What is an Accident and why it Should be Investigated
Who Should Investigate an Accident
Why an Immediate Supervisor Should be on the Team
Looking for the Root Cause
Steps to Investigating an Accident
How to look out for Causes of Accidents
How to Collect Facts
What you Should Know when Making Analysis and Conclusions
What to do if an Investigation Reveals Human Error
Course Duration
One day, which also includes a tea break and lunch.
On successful completion of this course participants will be awarded a certificate of attendance.
Course Fee
₦15,000 (fifteen thousand naira), which covers course, practical, training materials and certification.